Saturday, March 12, 2011

Changes.../Happy Birthday

Email sent Monday 7 March 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You never told me how old you are turning. This better not be your 60th. Is it? Or are you 59 or 58. I really don't know. Sorry. I hope you do all sorts of fun things, like listen to that cd I gave you for your birthday years ago, and go golfing, and fishing, and skiing, and eat some steak, and popcorn, and icecream and cashews, and lay on the floor and sleep, or lay on the grass and sleep, and write me a letter. Things you should not do: fix lawn mowers, fix trucks, fix any broken thing in the house, clean up random clutter in the house, pick up dog poop. etc. Doing/not doing these things will make your birthday very special. I love you dad!

This week we saw a lot of miracles. I will tell you about one of them. On exchanges on thursday with Sister Ruano, we found someone who was really looking for the gospel. The background on how we found him makes the story all the more amazing. Sister Ruano had forgotten that we had time on thursdays at 11 am. (for an hour every thursday president wants us all to just get familiar with the new So she had accidently scheduled an appointment with a lady that they had contacted earlier that week right at 11am. So on wedensday night when we planned, we couldn't decide what we should do. We had no way of contacting this lady to reschedule, so we were torn between and the appointment. So as we left the apartment on Thursday at 11 and started driving we continued questioning if we should go to this appointment with this lady who probably forgot or just go to the library. We decided/the spirit said go to the appointment. So we did. She had forgotten and was on her way out because her mother-in-law is dying in Nuevo Laredo. So we talked with her for a moment and then she left. We decided we would knock this one other house on the street. We found a really cool girl there, so that was awesome. But then we were heading back to our car and literally were about to get in, when we saw this guy outside working. He was clearly really busy, but we both said, hey, let's go talk to him. So we did. We said hi, he came over. We told him we were representatives of Jesus Christ and that we had a mesage that God wants him to hear. He was somewhat surprised. He asked us where the church was and we told him. He then said that when he looks at us he sees peace, and wants to feel that for himself. We testified of how at the church he can feel that. We got his phone number and committed him to come to church. And we left. It was a short 5 minute conversation.

...Then comes Sunday. During sacrament meeting, we see him walk in. I went over to him and had him come sit by us. He cried through most of the meeting. After he told me that he feels something different here. He proceeds to tell me that that day while he was working he had been planning on getting his money and going and doing bad stuff after. But then we stopped and talked to him and all of his plans changed. He wants to rearrange his whole work schedule so that he can come to church always every sunday. He stayed for Gospel Principles and part of Priesthood. He felt the spirit the whole time. We then called him at 2 just to invite him to the baptism at 2:30. He dropped everything and drove the LONG distance to the church and missed the actual baptism, but knew that he just needed to come back here. He feels different here.

We then taught him a lesson, the doctrine of christ, claro. I have no doubt that the Lord has been preparing this man, and that he put us in his path at this time of need. Just two weeks ago he was about to commit suicide. He wants to change his life. He wants to be good. He wanted to be baptized next saturday. He now has a bd for March 27. Some elders down south are going to be very lucky to get this prepared investigator.

I feel like there is a big change coming to laredo soon. Randomly, today, two new sisters just got to the mission. So they need to open 2 new areas asap, like tomorrow. And I think one of them is going to be in Laredo. The zone leaders have been asking us weird questions about our apartment, so I think that there might now be 6 of us living here. I don't know if he is going to do some transfers or something, but somebody has to train these new people and it's weird because the transfer just started, and so there are already like 5 people training. And on friday President took part of my area and gave it to the elders. :( All of our awesome people were in that tiny area that he took. It was sad. But ya. Who knows. I think we'll find out today what is going on. Hopefully. Or maybe nothing is really going on. I don't know.

It wasn't that hot this week. Just a little. It's pretty cool today though. I'm glad you are all into basketball adn stuff. Sorry it's over for brandy. Good job at cleaning the church. My headaches weren't bad this week, just had a little one yesterday. Wearing my contacts is annoying because I don't blink enough. It dries out way bad. But I will be better about wearing them.

Well I love you all, have another great week!


Hermana Petersen

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