Hola familia,
Wow, lots of changes, kids in school, sounds like they are doing good, Brandy said she loves college and it hasn't even started yet. She just loves the college life, we'll see how she likes the school part of it this week. Quinton said he was nervous for classes. haha. He will do fine as well. You two seem like you've been having way to much fun with all of us gone. Thanksgiving point, Bee's games, ward parties, waterskiing, fishing, high school reunions, etc. Too much fun. DOn't forget to work too. haha
This is our sixth week here in Port Isabel. We have been working so hard, using every idea possible to help this area progress, but sometimes it seems that our efforts don't produce results. Yesterday two of our investigators were supposed to be interviewed for their baptisms next sunday, but they wouldn't come to church. As a missionary sometimes it is easy to think, man if these people just didnt have their agency and we could just make them choose the right, but then we realize...that was Satan's plan. He wanted to do exactly that, make everyone choose the right and get the glory. We chose to follow God's plan. Everybody get's a choice and God gets the glory. We are only here as instruments to help people know their options and exercise their agency accordingly. So I guess what we need to work on right now is just loving the people enough to tell them their options, teach them the doctrine, and it will change their behavior.
We set some baptismal dates with some awesome people this week. One with a nine year old daughter of an inactive family that is coming back. C.... will be getting baptized on the 11th! Also with these two young men, J.... and O..., they are friends and both really want to be clean of their sins. All three of these people made it to church yesterday so we were really excited for that. September should be a good month.
What I am realizing right now, is that time is so short in life. Every day we need to focus on what God wants us to accomplish on that day and not get overwhelmed with the bigger picture. Every day we set goals as missionaries and we need to do everything we can in that one day to reach those goals. Our daily goals help us reach our weekly goals, which help us reach monthly goals and our yearly goals as a mission. It is the same in life. Right now is the perfect time for all of you to set some goals for yourselves. Mom and Dad, wow congratulations, you have raised three children and gotten them all into college. That is an accomplishment and probably a goal you set for us a long long time ago. Way to go! But now that doesn't mean it's all done. You are starting another part of your lives and you can set goals and make plans to be able to continue to grow and fullfill the purpose God has for you right now. Quinton and Brandy, the start of a school year is also a great time to set goals for the semester and year, and even break them down into weeks. Set goals for everything, scripture study, chruch attendance (100%), church activity attendance, home teaching/vistitng teaching, daily study time, running, grades, money saving, whatever else it is you need. Set goals and make the plans to help you reach the goals. Share your goals with someone else so that they can help you reach them and be accountable for them.
THis is the way that our mission has been finding so much more success in recently. Focus on each day. Do the small and simple things daily that will lead to the great things that will be brought to pass. I promise this will help you all so much if you really apply it and use it daily in your lives. I'm trying to do it over here too and God really blesses you when you show him your efforts and heart.
It's like on Alice and wonderland, it doesn't matter what path you take if you don't know where you want to go. Make goals, don't be afraid to dream, but make your dreams come true through your efforts and prayer.
Hope you all have a great week. Pray for me. I love you all!
Sister Petersen
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