Friday, June 24, 2011

Museum Treasures and the Awesomeness that is D...

Email sent Monday 20 June 2011

So this week we had an awesome opportunity. The whole time I've been in Raymondville we would drive by this old school that is now the Raymondville Museum and I always wanted to go inside. Sister Ruano and I tried one pday but found out it is only open for a couple hours on wed and saturday. But we know this guy, the owner of the best restaurant in Raymondville, (boot co.) and the maker of the best bacon cheeseburgers ever, and he is over something at the museum and he always gives us free food, and so he asked us if we could help them clean out some old stuff at the museum. YES! We were excited. The four of us went there and they showed us all around and took us to this back room FULL of stuff and we had to help them carry stuff to the garbage. And they said we could have whatever we wanted. So...Elder Piena walked out of there with this giant life size donkey made of basket stuff, and a real stuffed snake and some picture. It was super funny. Mostly it was just cool to look at all the cool old stuff they have in there. I loved it. We were really sweaty though. That's how we are about 90% of the time here though so what can you do? nada.

This week I hit my 6 months left on the mission mark. We burned a skirt. haha. Ya it was cool. I can't believe I only have six months. That is way too short. Not that I don't love y,all, I just love this too.

Ok so remember D..., that I told you about? He is still so awesome! He is the find of my mission. This man is prepared, Golden. He should be getting his interview from Pres Trayner this week. He is so legit. Remember how I told you that he is an amazing artist? well he is and the elders told him that he should go big with this. Favorite quote of the week, he responded saying, "No. My priorities right now are baptism, marriage and temple." He tells us all the time, "I know where I'm going. Celestial." And he has this look in his eyes you know that he will not back down for anything. He has a very strong testimony of the gospel. He came to church on sunday with his nephew D... and loved it. He heard a lot of really deep doctrine and he survived. Man we weren't scared about how he would take it, just a little nervous, but it just gave him even more fire. He is awesome. I really can see him being in the branch presidency here in the near future. The old branch pres was here this sunday and thought that D... was a long time member and was trying to put him to work donig home teaching and who knows what and everyone was like, chill, this is his first day. of all the priesthood holders that were there on sunday, which was like 7, he was one of the only ones in a white shirt and tie. THis guy is awesome.

Dad, I'm glad you could have a good Father's day. sounds fun all the stuff yall are doing. Sad to miss it. Sorry brandy I haven't written you. You won't get one this week either. Thanks mom for the package!, the stories I will ahve to tell you when I come home. This place is great. We are working hard to help it, and God is blessing us with miracles.

Brandy have fun in Oregon, tell quinton hi, if he still exists. I love yall, tell the ward hi too.


Sister Petersen

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